Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2018
Statement for the Financial Year 2018
This statement is made on behalf of Cross Keys Estate Agents pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and comprises our slavery and human trafficking statement.
Our Structure
Cross Keys Estate Agents are a Limited Company registered in England (registered number 04751841).
Cross Keys Estates Ltd provide services in the UK and we offer professional residential property services.
No entity or practice operating under the name Cross Keys Estate Agents Ltd is liable for the acts or omissions of any other entity or practice. Neither does it act as agent for nor have any authority (whether actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to represent, bind or obligate in any way any other entity or practice that operates under the name Cross Keys Estates Agents Ltd.
Our Commitment
Cross Keys Estate Agents Ltd is fundamentally committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. As a professional services supplier we work to provide our clients with the highest levels of service attainable. We hold ourselves to the utmost standards of professional conduct and accept nothing less from our suppliers.
Our Approach
Cross Keys Estate Agents Ltd is committed to taking all appropriate steps to ensure that slavery or human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains. As a property services consultancy, we recognise that there is a risk (albeit very small) of slavery or human trafficking occurring in its supply chain. Cross Keys Estate Agents will only work with suppliers who share our commitments.
We have raised awareness of modern slavery within our business and in particular, with those who are involved directly with the sourcing of people, goods and services. We have updated our procurement policies and the procedures to reflect the requirements of the Act and our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring or affecting our supply chains or business. These requirements have been incorporated into our selection, due diligence and tender processes.
To ensure all those in our supply chain comply with our values, we carry out a clear vetting process and monitor our suppliers through regular review meetings. When entering in to new contracts, we include contractual provisions for ensuring compliance with all the Act and all relevant guidance and policies.